Peacock and Edmund would return as the central antagonists of the three part story, "Home Again" - which continued from the events of "Home" and saw a now fugitive-status Mulder stumble across a remote farm, where Mrs. In the now non-canon Season 11 comic book Mrs. Peacock proceeds to explain to Edmund her plans to start a new family, after encouraging him and stating her pride in the sacrifices of her family Edmund gets out and carefully shuts the trunk before getting into the car and driving off with his twisted mother to an unknown location, to try and start anew. Peacock and Edmund engage in sex in the trunk of their getaway vehicle, Mrs.

Peacock with him, driving off to parts unknown.Īfter an unknown period of time Mrs. The Peacock brothers would proceed to arrive and attack the Agents in a rage, both to defend their matriarch and their property - although both George and Sherman died in the confrontation Edmund managed to escape and took Mrs. Peacock had made for herself and her family, which involved allowing her sons to regularly have their way with her - as well as engage in strict isolationism, with the entire farm barely changing since the Civil War era (according to local authorities). Peacock under a bed, due to her deformities and lack of arms or legs the Agents at first believed she was a victim, yet she soon proved them wrong and believed her sons to be doing good, even noting to Scully that she must "never had been a mother" when she questioned the crazed lifestyle Mrs. This, of course, only served to strengthen the fight against the Peacock Family and soon Mulder and Scully led a raid upon the Peacock House, which had been bobby-trapped - despite killing the Deputy these traps failed to stop Mulder and Scully from finding Mrs. Peacock hoped this would also send a message to the community that the Peacock Family was to be left alone. Peacock encouraged her sons to leave the house and exact revenge - which they did via brutally beating both the sheriff and his wife to death in their own home, Mrs. Knowing that the local sheriff was the one responsible for bringing the FBI to the area Mrs. Peacock began to worry that FBI intrusion would lead to her family being endangered - especially after Agent Mulder and Scully attempted to contact the family for questioning. The Peacocks would continue to try and breed but due to the severe mutations their attempts resulted in an infant infected with so many ailments that the Peacock Brothers were forced to take the child out and bury it alive, despite her apparent grief over losing this child she still engaged in incest with her sons and wanted to increase the Peacock Family - perhaps seeking a female, since all her offspring were male.Īfter locals discovered the corpse of the murdered Peacock infant however things grew darker as Mrs. Peacock began an incestous relationship with Edmund, her eldest son, after her husband died in a car crash (which also cost her the loss of her arms and legs) - already severely deformed and mutated the pair would produce two sons, equally deformed and mutated, forming the infamous Peacock Family in the process.